full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Carol Fishman Cohen: How to get back to work after a career break

Unscramble the Blue Letters

There's one more thing I remember vividly from my own career break. And that was that I hardly kept up with the business news. My bunoakcgrd is in finance, and I hardly kept up with any news when I was home caring for my four young celrhidn. So I was afraid I'd go into an ietvirenw and start talking about a company that didn't exist amyrnoe. So I had to resubscribe to the Wall Street joaunrl and read it for a good six months cover to cover before I felt like I had a handle on what was going on in the business world again.

Open Cloze

There's one more thing I remember vividly from my own career break. And that was that I hardly kept up with the business news. My __________ is in finance, and I hardly kept up with any news when I was home caring for my four young ________. So I was afraid I'd go into an _________ and start talking about a company that didn't exist _______. So I had to resubscribe to the Wall Street _______ and read it for a good six months cover to cover before I felt like I had a handle on what was going on in the business world again.


  1. children
  2. background
  3. anymore
  4. journal
  5. interview

Original Text

There's one more thing I remember vividly from my own career break. And that was that I hardly kept up with the business news. My background is in finance, and I hardly kept up with any news when I was home caring for my four young children. So I was afraid I'd go into an interview and start talking about a company that didn't exist anymore. So I had to resubscribe to the Wall Street Journal and read it for a good six months cover to cover before I felt like I had a handle on what was going on in the business world again.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
career break 11
reentry internship 6
internship program 4
career breaks 3
internship programs 3
career transitioners 2
long career 2
today show 2
job search 2
technologically obsolete 2
started noticing 2
hiring decision 2
job offer 2
temp job 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
reentry internship programs 3
reentry internship program 2

Important Words

  1. afraid
  2. anymore
  3. background
  4. break
  5. business
  6. career
  7. caring
  8. children
  9. company
  10. cover
  11. exist
  12. felt
  13. finance
  14. good
  15. handle
  16. home
  17. interview
  18. journal
  19. months
  20. news
  21. read
  22. remember
  23. resubscribe
  24. start
  25. street
  26. talking
  27. vividly
  28. wall
  29. world
  30. young